Copyright Notice
East Grinstead TSC asserts copyright ownership of the layout, content and images of this site. Reproduction without permission is prohibited.
Any e-mail from EGTSC is confidential and may be privileged and is intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to who it is addressed. It may be read, disseminated, forwarded, printed, copied and used only by the intended recipient. If you have received an email in error, please contact the sender immediately by return e-mail . Then delete the email and your reply. Do not disclose its contents to any person. Internet communications are not secure and therefore EGTSC does not accept legal responsibility for the safety or contents of an email message and any attachment. No liability is accepted for any consequences arising from it. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of EGTSC unless otherwise specifically stated.
Data Protection
In communicating with East Grinstead TSC the information provided will be held and processed by us as a data controller in accordance with our Privacy Policy which is available on our website ( If you do not have access to the internet, email or paper copies are available on request.
In communicating with us you are confirming that you have read and agree to our Privacy Policy.
Cookies are used by:
- Content Management System for EGTSC.CO.UK does not use cookies.
- Square to operate the eShop. These cookies are managed by Square and can be seen here.
- Coacha to operate their website for membership management - these are managed by Coacha.
Personal Data
Personal data will be held in Coacha for the purposes of managing the membership. Members can download a copy of their data held in Coacha at any time via their personal login.
The Coacha broadcast system is built around the NSPCC’s CPSU (child protection in sport unit) guidelines. As long as the correct date of birth (DOB) is input, members will always be contacted in accordance with the CPSU guidelines. This means the highest level of safeguarding possible.
Personal data will be contained in activity reports and competition results which contain an individual’s personal data will be retained as a record of the history of the club. Copies can be obtained by searching the website.
The minimum data required by Coacha in order to operate correctly is:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Date of Birth. Needed for Coacha to operate child and vulnerable adult protection policies. Needed by the club to allow us to enter you correctly into age related competitions.
- NOK [Next of Kin]: Necessary if member is <18 years old. It is recommended that all members complete this information so that the club has a contact in case you are taken ill while attending the club.
- Health. Tick the box or complete relevant details.
- Accept Coacha T&C (tick)
- Accept Club T&C (tick)
- GDPR (tick x2)
- Marketing (tick) is optional but if you don't tick it you won't receive any information regarding: competition entries, open shoots, courses and the like.
NSPCC’s CPSU (child protection in sport unit) guidelines
Note: For those under 18 the correct contact information should be entered in their profile with the Next of Kin (NOK) contact information entered under NOK. Coacha will automatically apply the following contact rules in accordance with CPSU guidelines:
- Less than 14 years - Only contact the NOK
- Greater than 14 and Less than 18 years - contact both the member and the NOK
- Greater than 18 years contact only the member.
If you require any further information please contact one of the committee.